Exporting national alcohol to the world

Since its establishment in 2016, Taisamurai Co., Ltd. has been exporting domestically produced alcoholic beverages to countries around the world and promoting the cultural value of Japan through a range of businesses, including educational activities overseas, the production of videos specializing in alcoholic beverages, and the management of domestic communities.

As a trading company specializing in exporting alcoholic beverages

International expansion support

As a trading company specializing in the export of Japanese alcoholic beverages,
Our professional team will flexibly support your sake brewery's international expansion.

International expansion support

Qualification Acquisition Service

Sake sommelier course

The Sake Sommelier course is an international qualification sponsored by the Sake Sommelier Association, which is known for its London-based competitions such as the London Sake Challenge. Upon completing this course, you will be qualified to work as a professional conveying the appeal of Japanese sake both domestically and internationally.

Sake sommelier course


Sip Of Japan

Sip Of Japanでは、日本各地の酒蔵や焼酎の蒸留所を訪れ、職人の技や歴史、こだわりの製法を深掘り。さらに、お酒のテイスティングや料理とのペアリングなど、日本の酒文化をより楽しむための情報をお届けします!🍶


Alcohol community

KURA Meguri

This community not only deepens your knowledge of alcohol,
Connecting professionals and enthusiasts,
It can be used as a place to share new ideas and experiences.

Community details



海外輸出や海外展開に関する現状の課題を、30分の無料オンライン相談 で、聞き取り最適なサポートを後日ご提案します。その後、商工会議所や産業創造機構の専門家派遣で費用を抑えて相談継続も可能です。
